History of Ukpum Ikot Ntung in Ikono Local Government
History of Ukpum Ikot Ntung in Ikono Local Government
Ukpum Ikot Ntung, Ukpum Ikot Ntung is one of the ancient village in Ikono Local Government Area, the village is about 13 kilometers to Ibiakum Ntok Okpo which happens to be the Local government headquarter.
The village is about bound with Ukpum Ita in the north, Ikot Akpan Ntim in the West, Itak Ikot Akap in the East Nnung Ukim in the south.
However, the origin of the village is not well documented but according to verbal history, the village is believed to have migrated from the Ancient Ukpum clan which is one of the major and largest clan in Ikono.
history has it that the village migrated from their woman land Ukpum Eka Isong, to form their own village as a result of communal clashes far back in the then 14 centuries.
During the 18 centuries when the colonial masters came into Ikono, Ukpum Ikot Ntung was cited as the first county council of Ikono Local Government Area which was later moved to Ibiaku Ntok Okpo.
 Culturally, Ukpum Ikot Ntung have so many culture religion such as; Ekpo, Obon, Ekon and nabo. The village is one of the cradle of Ibibio land. The village have had more than 14 village heads right from inception.
Due to civilization, the village is now a Christian village as so many churches are cited in the village such as apostolic church, Redeem, Lutheran church and Methodist church which is the most populated church in the village.
However, during the coming of the white, the white men established Methodist primary school which is the only primary school in the village and a German breach which link the village to other villages in Ukpum clan
The main occupation of the villager is farming this is because the village has very large area of fertile land that is reach with soil nutrients. However, the village also have the occupation of making firewood as the have assorted kinds of firewood such as: Ukang, Ukuk, Nya and other verities of firewood.
Equally, the village also deal with production of palm wine as the village is blessed with so many water bodies which the palm wine trees grows naturally on the own.
Lastly, the village also produce a large quantities of palm oil due to the fact that the village is blessed with a very large quantities of palm trees all around the village.