Analysis and Summary of the Withered Flower by Jasper Eberendu

Analysis and Summary of the Withered Flower by Jasper Eberendu


The Withered Flower is a novel of moral lessons authored by Jasper Eberendu. Novel specially portrays a character named Jenifer who’s arrogant and bad behaviours lead her into regrets.  From the literary appreciation, the author uses the character of Jenifer as an example to advice the new girls of nowadays who see beauty as an eternity gift without knowing that it will wither.

Jenifer as portrayed by the author,  refuses to marry when she is young, beautiful, charming and blossoming, but she wither as last and ends up in tears, regrets frustration and even attempt to commit suicide. The author also concluded by writing to saying thus: In as much as a girl’s education is very important, which is also better to be completed before marriage if possible, it shouldn’t be an excuse to prevent a girl from planning for her future as regards to marriage. She should get herself engaged with a man of her choice while in school and also get married when she graduates.

Analysis and Summary of the Withered Flower by Jasper Eberendu

Furthermore, the novel informs and educate every youths on why it is necessary for one to make a decision that will favour one in one’s life. The novel also has element of moral lessons. For instance, after Jennifer realizes herself on pride, she becomes patience and asked her parents to pray for her. She also promises to be nice with anyone that comes her way. And the rude characters are not in her again. She will forever be good and kind both his family members and the outsiders. This shows some element of moral lessons to Jennifer and to the reader of this work.  It is good to be good that’s what the author aims at.


The theme of marriage: Marriage is another major theme that is portrayed in this play as seen in the fates of marriage in Jennifer’s life. According to the author, the possibility of Jennifer getting marriage was when she was young. But, she refuses to marry at the time her friends and her course mates did. Her beauty withered at last and also ends in tears.

The author also concluded by writing to saying thus: In as much as a girl’s education is very important, which is also better to be completed before marriage if possible, it shouldn’t be an excuse to prevent a girl from planning for her future as regards to marriage. She should get herself engaged with a man of her choice while in school and also get married when she graduates.

Furthermore, the work informs and educate every youths on why it is necessary for one to make a decision that will favour one in one’s life. The text also has element of moral lessons. She also promises to be nice with anyone that comes her way. And the rude characters are not in her again. She will forever be good and kind both his family members and the outsiders.  It is good to be good that’s what the author aims at.

The Theme of Friendship: Friendship is also a major theme that is examined in this play.  One should learn how to be good and to be of moral standard, for posterity. Jenifer’s friends end up in getting marriage, living a good life with their parent in-laws as well as strangers.

 But Jennifer ends up in tears and regrets because she was not friendly.  In page 75, the author expresses the feelings of sympathy on Jennifer’s life. She is always rude to all her class mates as well as her suitors are coming for her hand in marriage. According to Jennifer, these men will really suffer in my hands, especially Mike. From the above, the author portray Jennifer’s attitude towards friends.

The Theme of Sadness:  Sadness is an emotional pain associated with or characterized by feelings of disadvantage, loss, despair, grief, helplessness, disappointment and sorrow. An individual experiencing sadness may become quiet or lethargic and withdraw themselves from others. For instance, the author shows clearly how Jennifer how her life becomes full sadness and regrets when she cannot get herself married to a man of her choice, she ends up in regrets without a husband and a child even with her good result.

Analysis and Summary of the Withered Flower by Jasper Eberendu

The author assert that for a girl to get married why she is still young is better than  getting marriage at the old age. This is exactly what happened to Jennifer as she never stops crying.  He parent got tired of consoling her as she continues living a sorrowful life.   She has no option than to live with her parents. According to the author, it was like starting a life from scratch in Jennifer’s life.  She hardly   went outside because she is ashamed of herself.  Apart from that, she always feels like committing suicide whenever she sees those persons whom she treated badly, including her suitors, most of whom were married.

 There is no doubt, what happened is exactly what most girls in society are passing through.  Indeed, author is very keen on showing how important affectivity and correcting the negative behaviours of both men and women precisely to those girls whose feel beauty last for ever.


The use of exclamation marks! : An exclamatory sentence makes a statement that conveys strong emotion or excitement. Placing that tiny stripe above a period at the end of a sentence can really rock the boat!

Examples: For example, Deborah, a cashier in the bank told Oge, the Manager’s secretary on their way home from work say: ’’ ‘‘oh!’’ I thought I was the only one who noticed.

The use of Simile: It is a figure of speech with the comparison between things or objects using words like: “as” or “like”.

Example:  Oge, the Manager’s secretary where Jennifer is working described her like” a mad person because, whenever she ring Jennifer’s office she notice Jennifer attitude’

Looking at the above examples, Jennifer regrets for not getting married at her younger youth; rather than deceiving all her victors who come to have her hand in marriage.

Analysis and Summary of the Withered Flower by Jasper Eberendu


From the foregoing, the playwright uses literary portray appreciated the author and exposes his feelings towards the happening in the society among some youths. It is a popular technique use a writers to connect with people on an emotional level, which is often far more moving than logic or reason. For this reason, his feeling goes directly to the main character   whose beauty ends up in regrets for making a wrong decision.

In the same vein, the text is full of moral lessons to men and women, young and old and especially to the new generation of girls’ nowadays.  He also writes to inform and to correct the abnormality in our contemporary society whereby girls and women misses their husbands and spouses in the name of ’’ I am too young for marriage. I am educated; if you don’t marry me another man is there. I am educated, men don’t joke with me.

The above regrets happened to Jennifer; hence the need to do the right thing at the right time becomes a regretful act that Jennifer could not avoid the regrets as it was too late.  She cannot get herself married to a man of her choice, she ends up in regrets without a husband and a child even with her good result. She has no option than to live with her parents.  She hardly   went outside because she is ashamed of herself and her life is full of regrets.

Work Cited

Jasper, Eberendu. The Withered Flower.  Mid-field publishers limited, 2012.

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