sassa appeal for r350 payment dates.
if you’re yet to receive your SASSA r350 grant due to issue of no payment date in your status, you can follow this guide to resolve it.
some people are yet to receive more than previous five months SASSA grant due to one reason or another.
if your own issue is no payment date, you can resolve this issue, Appeal to SASSA, and get your money.
please endeavor to read this till the end as all the information provided here will be very helpful to anyone whose SASSA status is showing no payment date.
let’s begin with the procedure to appeal below.
sassa appeal for r350 payment dates.
there are certain things you need to do before appealing, below are some of the important things you need to look into before appealing to SASSA.
- make sure that you provided a correct bank account details, you need to provide account that have a name, and other important details matching with your SASSA profile name.
- make sure you are not receiving other grants.
- make sure you don’t have any issue with UIF.
once you check this three things and you feel that you are really qualified for SASSA r350 Grant, then the next thing you need to do is to appeal for reconsideration.
check below to see how you can go about submitting the appeal.
procedure for appealing to SASSA for r350 payment dates.
How To Submit Sassa R350 Grant Appeal for payment date issue.
- Visit sassa website on
- locate the green bar that shows “click here to lodge an appeal or check appeal status'” to get started.
- Enter your ID number and cellphone number to receive PIN
- Click ‘send pin’ and wait for the SMS which will contain the verification pin.
- once you receive the PIN, Enter the pin and click ‘submit’
- Select the month you are submitting an appeal for (that’s the month that’s showing no payment date)
- Select the drop down arrow and choose the reason for your appeal, make sure you write a readable appeal
- Click on submit to Lodge the appeal.
this is how you can submit an appeal to SASSA for issue regarding your payment.
before you submit the appeal, make sure you cross-check your banking details to confirm that it’s not the reason for the delay in your r350 delivery.
you can follow this guide below to check your SASSA banking details or update anything in your account.
visit, on the banking details section, Enter your ID number.
sassa will send An SMS containing the sassa banking details link to the mobile phone number used when registering for the SRD application.
Open the link in the SMS and follow the instructions they will provide for you in order to view, update or change your banking details.
SASSA reapplication for r350.
you can reapply if your application is declined following the procedure below.
if you are sure that you’re eligible for the R350 Grant, you have to follow the reapplication procedure in order to resolve your issue.
below are the requirements you need to meet up with before you can be eligible for SASSA r350 grant
- you Must be between the ages of 18 and 60 years.
- you must not have any sufficient means of getting
- you must not be receiving social grants or contributing to or eligible for UIF payment. Those who have no financial support from any other source are eligible for r350 SASSA grant.
procedure to follow in order to complete SASSA r350 Reapplication?
- Visit
- Click ‘Reconfirm you grant application’
- Login in with your South African ID number and Mobile number.
- Update your details.
- Resubmit the application.
SASSA status check for R350 payment dates for 2022.
below is the payment date for SASSA grant this year.
if your payment date has passed and you’re yet to receive your payment, you need to check your status to know the problem.
- September payment date.
Older Person’s Grant – Beginning on Friday 2nd September 2022
Disability Grant – Beginning on Monday 5th Septemer 2022
Children’s Grants – Beginning on Tuesday 6th September 2022
- October payment date.
Older Person’s Grant – Beginning on Sunday 2nd October 2022
Disability Grant – Beginning on Wednesday 5rd October 2022
All Other Grants – Beginning on Thursday 6th August 2022.
according to SASSA, “Failure to request appeal for each month that the application is declined will result in the original decision sustained.”
SASSA status pending meaning and solution.
if your SASSA application is still showing pending, this means that it has not been approved or declined.
Pending means your application has not yet been approved, your details still need to be screened and verified first.
you need to be checking your status to know whether it has been approved or not.
Once approved, you will receive an SMS from SASSA requesting your banking details, then you will be paid.
there is nothing you can do about a pending SASSA status, you can only Lodge an appeal if it is declined.
pending is the intermediate stage.
if your SASSA status is approved but still you haven’t received your SMS, you can check the reasons and solution to follow below.
SASSA appeal online
Here’s How To Submit A Reconsideration Request Online for your Sassa R350 Grant application.
- Visit SASSA appeal site here
- Click on the green bar that says ‘click here to lodge an appeal or check appeal status’
- Enter your ID number.
- Enter your cellphone number.
- Click ‘send pin’ and wait for the SMS which will contain the verification pin.
- follow the prompts to complete the appeal process