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The purpose of this study was to examine resources utilization and the learning of Basic Science in Junior Secondary Schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. Survey research design was adopted for the study.
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The population for this study were all the JSS2 students in the study area while a sample size of two hundred (200) students were selected from ten (10) schools using simple random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire while the data collected were analysed using simple percentage.
The result revealed that resources are utilized in the learning of Basic Science but in a very low extent. It was also revealed that the use of resources enhance effective learning of Basic Science. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that Basic Science teachers should always make use of resources during lesson delivery to enhance effective learning of Basic Science among the students.
1.1 Background to the Study
Education which is a process of equipping learners with the skills and knowledge needed for a desirable change, makes use of some resources or teaching materials in order to achieve this optimal goal. Basic science which is the foundation of all science subject is studied or taught by using different methods which employs the use of all sense organs including sense of smell, taste, hearing, feeling and seeing of which only the application of theory in teaching and learning could not yield 100% accuracy without the use of resources (Olaedo, 2018).
Thus, effective teaching and learning of Basic science with the use of resource is very necessary if Basic science teachers must gain fully achieve the stated objectives.
Resources which are also known as instructional materials are non-human resources which are helpful to both the teachers and student for effective teaching which include; visual resource audio resources, audio-visual resources, printed resources, and non printed resources.
Ughamadu (2013) opined that resources are materials that can be used to record, store, present, transmit, or retrieve information.
Kay (2010) noted that teaching resources are things which are intended to help the teacher to teach more effectively and enables the learners to learn more readily.
According to him, students will obviously understand more easily if the teacher uses a working model outside the experiences of the learner than if he relies solely on a verbal description of the content. National teacher institute (2010) reported that resources in the classroom can be classified into two broad categories which includes those that appeals to the sense of sight (Visual Resources) and those which appeal to the sense of hearing (audio resources). Other resources also combine both features (audio-visual resources).
Isola (2010) referred to instructional resources as objects or devices which help the teacher to make a lesson much clearer to the learners.
Instructional resources are also described as concrete or physical object which provide sound, visual or both the sense organs during teaching and learning process. Learning of Basic science cannot be effective without interaction between the teacher, learner and the utilization of resources. The Basic science curriculum is planned the enable the teacher use activity oriented which is child centered approach to teach. The utilization of resources makes it possible for the learners to understand the content easily.
According to Okafor (2012), educational material resources are things which are manipulated, seen, heard, read, or talked about. It also include instruments which facilitate such activity. He further stated that these resources enhance effective learning of Basic science. They include textbooks, Chalkboards, Model/mock-up, television, radio and other projected as well as non-projected devices.
Akpan (2016) stated that there are inadequate resources for teaching and learning of science subjects in public secondary schools in Nigeria. He further stated that where there are little resources at all, they are not in good condition, where the few ones that are in good condition are not enough to go round. Empirical studies conducted in relation to resources utilization in education have revealed that essential facilities are not always available in schools. It also shows that the extent of utilization of these resources depend on it’s availability.
The process of managing and organizing resources in the classroom for effective learning to take place is termed utilization. The utilization of resources in education brings about fruitful learning out comes since resources stimulate students learning as well as motivating them. The focus of this research is to examine resources utilization and the learning of Basic science.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The learning of Basic science ought to be simplified, comprehensive and concrete. Extensive use of resources makes the learning of Basic science interesting stimulating and understandable to the learners. The success of science student largely depends on the utilization of educational resources.
Findings revealed that science subject such as Basic science are now teach in abstract form by the science teachers. This has made the learning of science very difficult in the secondary school level especially in junior secondary sections.
The resulting effects of this non-utilization of resources is on the learners as it has both long and short term consequences. Most of the learners do not have interest for science subjects which has lead to poor academic achievement as witnessed in both internal and external examination. This is the reason that the researcher was motivated to examine resources utilization and the learning of Basic science in secondary schools.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of this study is to examine resources utilization and the learning of Basic science in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
Specially, the study aimed at:
- Examine the extent of resources utilization in the learning of Basic science in Junior Secondary School in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
- Assess the effects of resources utilization on the learning of Basic science in Junior Secondary Schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions were raised to guide the study.
- To what extent are resources utilized in the learning of Basic science in Junior Secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area?
- How does the utilization of resources affect the learning of Basic science in Junior Secondary Schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area?
1.5 Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be beneficial to the Basic science teachers, students, policy makers and other researchers in the following ways:
- The result of this study will enable the Basic Science teachers to see the need for effective and efficient utilization of resources in the teaching/learning process.
- It will also help the students to become knowledgeable in science which help them in problem-solving, self-confidence and critical thinking.
- The finding of this study will help policy makers to work out effective means of providing and managing resource in science in the secondary school system. The finding of this study will also served as a reference material to other researchers.
1.6 Delimitation of the Study
This study is delimited to resources utilization and the learning of Basic Science in Junior Secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area. The target population are the JSS2 students in the study area. The study focuses on the utilization and the effects of resources utilization on learning of Basic science.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
The following challenges were confronted by the researcher in the process of conducting this research study. However, the researcher worked really hard to surmount them.
- Financial Problem: High cost transportation in visiting the school that were involved in this study create a serious problem to the researcher.
- Time Factor: Time was not enough because the researcher had other school activities to carry out as at the time of this study.
1.8 Operational Definition of Term
The following terms were defined as they are utilized for this study:
- Resources: These are materials which are helpful to the teachers and students for effective learning.
- Utilization: This is the act of using a particular thing to achieve a particular purpose.
- Learning: This is an act of gaining knowledge from another person or source.
- Basic Science: This refers to the beginning course to teach learners what science is and how scientist work (Howel, 2007).