
This study examine Teachers’ Variables and Students’ Academic Performance in Government in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area”. The overall population for the study was one thousand nine- hundred and two (1,902). The sample size for the study was 120 students randomly selected from Senior Secondary two (SS2) students. Simple random sampling was used. The design used was Survey design method. Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

The instrument used for data collection the study was “Government Achievement Test (GAT) data collection. The method used in analyzing the data collected was Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC). The findings revealed that, there is no significant relationship between teachers’ educational qualification and students’ academic performance in Government, implied that those teachers’ communication skills counts in the efficiency of the teachers,

it also, shows that significant relationship exists between teachers’ level of motivational ability and students’ academic performance in Government. It was recommended that, teachers with long years in service should teach Government in certificate classes, Government should encourage the professional teachers through incentives and allowance and teacher’s with less teaching experience should be help through workshops and seminar that are of high academic standard so as to enhance better academic achievement of the students.





1.1     Background to the Study

Teachers occupy the most strategic position in the development of manpower and in the achievement of national educational goals and development of any country. To this end, the national policy on education (2004) emphasizes the need for continuous teacher education while admitting that no educational system can rise above the quality of its teachers. The policy further declares that the purpose of teacher education is to produce highly motivated, conscientious and efficient classroom teachers for all levels of education.

Moreover, the teachers in any educational process cannot be over-emphasized. This is because the teachers occupies a central position in the  teaching learning process. The teacher has the most direct, close ad determining influence on the learner. Thus no matter how beautiful a school may be, without properly trained teachers to harness the available resources, the realization of thegoals of the teaching-learning process will be a mirage.

The National Policy on Education (2004) clearly stated that teacher education will continue to be given major emphasis in all our educational planning because no educational system can raise above the quality of its teachers. The teacher is vital to the teaching-learning process and it is the most important factor in any educational process (Newty, 2006).

It is however indisputable that the quality of graduates an educational system produced is largely dependent on the caliber of teachers who operate it but does it implies that anyone who teaches is a teacher? Does teaching require training and experience? certainly yes. The personality characteristics of the teacher have direct bearing on the teaching-learning process vis-à-vis student’s academic performance.

Most teachers in our schools system today lack the requisite teaching experience, qualification and a deep knowledge of their subject matter (Okoke, 2009). Teaching does not requires mastery of subject matter alone but also the personal attributes that the teacher brings into the classroom is equally of important.


This implies that the teacher is not expected to have a through knowledge of his subject matter alone but he or she should posses some personal qualities that will endear the learners to him. He is expected to convince both himself and his learners that his subject has usefulness and application to real life and the world of work (Ekanem, 2007).

Apparently, a teacher who is good at creating a  conducive atmosphere, creating the necessary conditions for learning tends to be friendly cheerful and admired by many learners. He likes his learners and does not or der them around, scold them or punish them unnecessarily.

He is cheerful and happy and attempts to understand the problems of his learners. In terms of knowledge of his subject, he is very confident get not afraid to make mistakes. Such attributes are appreciated by so many learners as learning is made more fun them works. A teacher with a character has the capacity to stimulate his learner and his lesson is never boring. He takes time to cover his lessons to the understanding of everybody.


On the other hand, Philip (2008) maintained that teachers with negative tendencies do not encourage the learners as they are found to have the following personal characteristics. However, they are not friendly with the learners. So, they tend to be egocentric and rigid in controlling their n conentir not friendring. heir classes.

They do not prepare well for teaching their lessons and seem not to have good grasp of the subject matter they teach. They are either autocratic or laisser-faire in their dealings with the learners. Apart from the general disposition of teacher, the professional variables of the teacher, the professional variables of the teacher such as teaching qualification, years of teaching experience, gender of teachers, mastery of the subject environment and his teaching approaches may directly or indirectly influenced the level of student’s academic achievement not only in agricultural science but also in other subjects.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The abysmal performance of students in public examinations has become worrisome and it has reached a frightening proportion. Parents and guardians put the blame on the teachers while teachers’ in turn point accusing fingers on the educational sector.

Most scholars on their part attribute the downward trend in students’ academic performance to poor school infrastructures and teaching-learning materials, poor reading culture among students parental background and the low level of commitment by teachers. Given this scenario, the researcher became interested in investigating the root of the problem.

In doing so, the research acknowledged the fact that the teacher plays an important role in the teaching-learning process. Consequently, teacher’s characteristics can make or mar the realization of the much desired improvement in students’ academic performance. It is against this background therefore, that this study “Teachers’ Variables and Students’ Academic Performance in Government in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area” became imperative.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was be to investigate “Teachers’ Variables and Students’ Academic Performance in Government in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area. Specifically, the study sought to:

(1)     To examine teacher’s Qualification and Academic Performance of Students in Government.

 (2)    Examine the influence of teachers’ communication skills and students’ academic performance in Government;

(3)     Evaluate the effect of teachers’ level of motivation and students’ academic performance in Government.

1.4  Significance of the Study

The study of teachers’ variables and Academic Performance of Students in Government will provide adequate information on the relevance of positive teachers’ strategy.

It will help the teachers on classroom instruction on meaningful method of teaching.

It is hoped that this will be helpful to our teachers to impact on students what they deserve.

Education in secondary school to have good manners, good behaviour, teaching qualification and good teaching methods in their lessons also be helpful to government policymakers, teachers and students in particular.

It is also noted that this study might go a long way to bringing innovation in teaching techniques and create an atmosphere conducive for the students to learn and improve their performances.

1.5 Research Questions

On the basis of the foregoing purpose of the study, the following research questions are raised:

(1) To what extent does teachers’ Educational Qualification relate to students’ academic performance in Government in Ikot Ekpene Local  Government Area?

(2)  What relationship exists between teachers’ communication skills and  students’ academic performance?

(3)   How does teachers’ level of motivation relate with students’ academic performance in Government?

1.6 Research Hypotheses

The solution to the problem of the study were be sought through testing of the following research hypotheses:

(1) There is no significant relationship between teachers’ educational qualification and students’ academic performance in Government.

(2) There is no significant relationship between teachers’ communication skills and students’ academic performance in Government .

(3) There is no significant relationship between teachers’ level of motivational ability and students’ academic performance in Government.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

Several problems are encountered in undertaking this research work which includes:

i   The period given for the completion of this study hardly be enough for a wider and more in-depth research into teachers variables and academic performance of students.

ii    Lack of fund to procure necessary materials for the study posed a serious problem.

iii   The inability for the researcher to have enough literature, journals, magazines and textbooks in this area of study was also a limited factor.

1.8 Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on examine “Teachers’ Variables and Students’ Academic Performance in Government in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area.

1.9 Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined operationally in the course of the study.

Variables:   Those factors exhibited by teachers on the teaching-learning process

Teachers’ Motivational Ability: The degree to which subject teachers can encourage and arouse learners’ interest in their academic subjects.

Academic Performance: A measure of the extent to which a learner understand what is presented or taught to him/her by the teacher during the teaching–learning process. It is measured using tests and examination.

Teachers’ Communication Skills: The teachers’ ability to pass on desirable information to their students in the form required, with the barest level of distortion in pronunciation, figures of speech, parts of speech etc.


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